For women that have undergone treatment for breast cancer the journey back to feeling normalcy is a long process. When a mastectomy is performed and women undergo breast reconstruction, it leaves the breast looking like it belongs to someone else. So, when Kimberly Winters, 44, a human resources benefits administrator from Wooster, Ohio heard about a renowned tattoo artist named Vinnie Myers, she traveled 400 miles to get her nipples tattooed to match her body once more. Little Vinnie’s Tattoos allows women to replace their nipples for $600-$800, and this short video will show you what the process is like from start to finish.
Cancer Took Her Nipples, This Tattoo Artist Drew Them Back On. They Look So Real It’s Astonishing.

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Co-Founder of Inspire52. A writer, musician, content creator, and data analyst at heart.
SourceNew York Times