To Learn What Inspire52 Is All About, Check Out Our Video Below!
Inspire52 is the fastest growing news and entertainment website.
Inspire52 was founded by Mel Robbins, a CNN Commentator and Award-Winning Talk Radio Host from the Cox Media Group, and Mandy Burgan, an Executive Producer from The Cox Media Group and ESPN.
Yasir Ali, an entrepreneur at New York University, an entrepreneur from City College of New York and partners in start-up, is one of the author’s in addition to many other diverse authors who contribute inspirational & motivational blogs to help make your day. is currently owned by an Internet media and eCommerce company helping connect People to People, People to Business and Business to Business via innovative solutions.
We create and publish content to inspire people to think, act and laugh seven days a week, 52 weeks a year: entertaining stories, breaking news, original commentary, social news, photos, quotes, quizzes and more!
Sounds cool, huh? Want to join us?
If you are a writer, blogger, producer, photographer, foodie, fashionista or an entrepreneur we want you. Come write for us! We’re building a global network of contributors that already includes best-selling authors, television/radio producers, magazine veterans, professional photographers, food and fashion bloggers and personal development experts. Just email your contact information and credentials to [email protected] and a team member will get back in touch with you to schedule an interview.
There’s A Lot of “Good News” Stories On The Site…
We publish a lot of good news stories and our audience loves them. Neuroscientists have a much fancier way to explain it, but here’s how we explain it: If you see good, you’ll feel good.
As we grow, you’ll see the content diversify into a broad range that is easy to read on a mobile device and easy to share: original videos, quizzes, quotes, stories from around the world, breaking news commentary.
What’s The Difference Between The Newsletter And The Website
In addition to publishing stories all day and week long, we also create and distribute an email every weekday morning that will take you less than 52 seconds to read and will change the outcome of your day. The email contains a quote to motivate you and three awesome stories that will help you start your day off feeling energized and inspired. During a recent focus group, one busy mom who described herself as “spiritual but not religious” called Inspire52 “her church.” Another said it “lifts her up and sends her into the world feeling invincible and happy.” By all means, if you like anything we send you, share it with all of your friends so they can feel good too.
How Can I Get Involved?
Easy, open the email, Like Us On Facebook, visit the site and SHARE what you love!
Explain the Commercials I See Before Some Of The Videos…
Any time you see a commercial or advertisement of any sort playing before a video it’s because the video provider (like YouTube) has inserted what is called “pre-roll” ads. These pre-roll ads are not in our control and we don’t receive any profit from them.
Any Other Questions?
Contact us HERE if there’s anything else you’d like to know!